
First Image from Bryan Fuller’s “The Munsters” Pilot

Wondering what was happening with Bryan Fuller’s remake of The Munsters? A pilot has been shot and a series pick up by NBC is looking likely. We’ve got the first image from the series, a family portrait. The monsters all appear to be normal people at first glance but Fuller promises that the folks on Mockingbird Lane will be quite monstrous indeed.

TVline got the scoop on what to expect from The Munsters at Bryan Fuller’s Comic Con Panel:

Fuller also credited his Pushing Daisies production and costume designers, who have come on board the project, with the show’s look; he described it as if “Hitchcock was directing a Harry Potter film.”

The idea for Mockingbird Lane was born after monster drawings at a Tim Burton exhibit in New York City made Fuller think, “Why don’t we have a monster family on TV?” He added: “This is about embracing the freak of your family and being proud,” he said.

There will be plenty of special treats in Mockingbird Lane, including homages to classic Universal monsters, made easier by the fact that the show shoots on the Universal lot where many of the old sets still stand. For instance, Grandpa’s dungeon is on the same stage as the original Phantom of the Opera set. Fuller also plans to explore the mythology of how the family came to the infamous address and introduce family pet Spot (a live-action, dragon-like version – “It’s going to be quite fantastic”) and the DRAG-U-LA automobile (“We want to see them build [it]”).

Click more for the full image

first image from mockingbird lane

(via Io9)

What do you think of the Munster family portrait?

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4 Comments on First Image from Bryan Fuller’s “The Munsters” Pilot

  1. Misty

    Except none of them look monster like at all 🙁 as the self-proclaimed worlds biggest Munsters fan I’m verrrrrry afraid. Will Portia Di Rossi as Lily and Eddie Izzard as Grandpa be enough to make me watch? Time (and maybe a trailer) will tell…

  2.  Fuller promised that although they don’t have the “monster” look their
    behaviour will be quite monstrous… like people eating and such.
    do love the cast and I *love* Bryan Fuller’s work, so when/if this show
    ever actually sees the warm fuzzy glow of our screens… we’ll watch and
    see and discuss when we have more to go on.

  3. far enough away from the original, even re-named. When I first saw a publicity still I was completely against it, then I saw a TV spot a day or two ago and I’m seriously going to HAVE to watch it.

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