Five Romantic Moments by Joss Whedon Aka Why I’m Single

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series ran collectively for 12 seasons and 254 episodes. There was fighting and comedy, romantic moments, and kissing… but Joss trained me to be leery of the kissing. Here’s five moments from the shows. Let me know which moments broke your heart.

Becoming Part 2

In this season two finale written by Joss himself, Buffy realizes that Angel is re-souled, but that the gate to hell is open.

Was my breath that bad?

Was my breath that bad?

ANGEL:  What’s happening, Buffy?
BUFFY:  Shhhhh. . . it doesn’t matter.
(She pulls away to look at him. Kisses him passionately.)
BUFFY:  I love you.
ANGEL: I love you. . .
BUFFY:  Close your eyes.

I Was Made For Loving You

In episode 15 of Season 5, Jane Esperson writes about a girlfriend bot, and Joyce goes out on a date.



JOYCE: Gosh, I’d forgotten how much fun dating can be.
(The next day she gets flowers with a card that reads: “Thank you for a lovely evening. See you soon? Brian”)

This is all well and good until you remember that the next episode is “The Body”.


In Season 6 episode 18 written by Drew Greenberg, this kiss brings Willow and Tara back together when the show had spent almost half the season with them apart. Of course, after this kiss a stray bullet kickstarts the real big bad of the season: Dark Willow.

Can we just be kissing?

Can you just be kissing me now?

TARA: There’s just so much to work through. Trust has to be built again on both sides. Can we just skip it? Can, can you just be kissing me now?

Angel had its share of kisses too.


In the 9th episode of the first season written by Howard Gordon, Doyle reveals his secret to Cordelia, who responds in pure Cordy fashion:

A Kiss She'll Always Remember

A Kiss She’ll Always Remember

Cordy: “What do you think I am, superficial? – So you’re half demon. That’s so far down the list, way under ‘short’ and ‘poor’! – Is there anything else I should know?”
He goes in for a reciprocated kiss and then steps back…
Doyle: “Too bad we’ll never know (Morphs into his demons face) if this is a face you could learn to love.”

You’re Welcome

And in one of the stranger exit scenes, Angel Season Five Episode 9 David Fury brings Cordy back to the group.

Cordy and Angel kissing

Cordelia:  We take what we can get, champ, and we do our best with it. I’ll be seeing you.
(smiles through her tears, turns to walk out of the office)
(stops, turns around, walks quickly up to Angel)
Oh, what the hell. One for the road?
(kisses Angel, but moments later, the telephone rings)

Given how Joss shows romance, maybe it’s better that I’m single for valentines!

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