
Frank Miller working on Dark Knight 3.

Okay guys, I have a confession to make.

Are you all ready?

I am a Frank Miller apologist.

Wait wait wait.  Put down the pitchforks and step away from the keyboards and let me explain.  I am in no way shape or form defending Frank’s recent work.  The racist and sexist overtones that have become prevalent in his work over the last decade have no place in modern comics.  But once upon a time Frank Miller told stories that were fresh, new and helped changed the way we looked at the characters he wrote about and also they way people looked at comics.

The influences of his take on Batman can still be felt to this day.  Just look at the trailer for Dawn of Justice, Affleck’s Batman suit is a perfect likeness of Bruce’s suit from The Dark Knight Returns and we also catch a glimpse of battle armor he wore during the battle with Superman during the climatic finale of the story. Long before his female characters became the definition of Sexy Lamps he gave us the likes of Carrie Kelley and Elektra, details that many of his nay-sayers like to overlook. There is a reason the man has won so many awards over his career and the legacy he has created is something no one can ever take away from him.

Well, at least that is what I have always told myself.

Today DC announced that Frank would once again be returning to the story that made him a household name to continue Bruce Wayne’s decent in to madness.

The Dark Knight 3: The Master Race.

The Master Race?


Frank?  Can we talk for a moment?  Please?

I know you’ve got some problems right now, and there are those of us out there who keep hoping and believing that one day you’ll clean yourself up.  That one day the man who told such amazing stories in Daredevil and Wolverine will return.  But honestly, I think I’ve lost the will to believe.

Seriously Frank, you gave us this:


And this.

Scariest man on earth needed his wife's permission to do anything.

Scariest man on earth needed his wife’s permission to do anything.

And then you decided to give us this…..

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring a massive talking butt

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring a massive talking butt

Really, Jim Lee was wasted on All-Star Batman and Robin.

And I mean really Frank, the only memorable thing you’ve given us in the last ten years was this.


And that’s not because it was a great story but because it was a really funny meme.

I want to believe there is one there is one last great story in you Frank.  But I can’t anymore.  Not after Holy Terror, not after All-Star Batman and Robin.  Maybe you’ll come around and prove me wrong.  Maybe this will be it, maybe this will be the last great ride of the Frank Miller who was.

But I doubt it.

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