
Game of Thrones Exhibition 2014

This last weekend, GEEKPR0N editor Rob and I were lucky enough to attend the Game Of Thrones Exhibition this year. Tickets, while free, sold out faster than Sansa on a platter of lemon cakes, but a friend of mine grabbed two extra in a wonderful display of foresight. Obviously, I happily took them and off we went.

We arrived just before our allotted time slot at the TIFF Bell Lightbox, and behind the “Rush Tickets” sign were no less than 100 people hoping to get a chance to get in.


Upon entering the building, we were greeted with a huge map of Westeros, the main lineup, and a smaller side lineup to get a photo upon the Iron Throne. Here’s my poorly lit gallery for your viewing pleasure!

The photos were all taken on my iPhone – next time I need to bring an actual camera – but hopefully they can do the costumes and props justice. The detail is INSANE…from the intricate bead and thread work on the dresses, to making sure a burned house banner was burned perfectly down to the tiniest singe mark. Onto the photos:

*Below the photos I talk about the Occulus Rift experience, “Ascending The Wall”.


The highlight of the exhibit, for me personally, was the Oculus Rift experience new this year put together by HBO and Relevent, called “Ascending The Wall”. For those of you not in the know, the Rift is a huge upcoming virtual reality headset, with so much potential it’s got everyone going bonkers. So naturally, tying it into my favourite show was pretty rad.


Visitors are put into a small cage, fitted with the two parts of the headsets which cover your eyes and ears, and given brief instruction. The gist of it is, you’re going to be riding the left up the Wall, which is approx. 700 feet high. When you get to the top, turn around.

I couldn’t gauge anyone’s reactions, so I didn’t know what to expect at all. I avoided reading about it online as I really wanted this to be a surprise.

Upon being fitted with the headset, there I was – Castle Black. I could hear snow blowing, and even feel a cold breeze on my face (which was a great addition to the overall experience) I would compare it visually to being inside Skyrim. it looked amazing, and very accurate. I could hardly take it all in, when the sound of the crank kicked in, and up I went.

Behind me was a wall of ice, but in front, to the sides, and everywhere I could turn my head, I was inside the Wall lift. The higher I went, the louder the wind was, and the faster I seemed to be going. I instinctively reached for the bars to hang on, and couldn’t help but laugh a little. At the top, I turned around as directed. Immediately I was “walking” towards the edge of the wall as a horn sounded – the signal for an attack. I got to the very edge of the wall, and despite the massive snowy landscape stretching out in front of me – I looked down. I actually became dizzy! Suddenly I noticed something coming toward me, and looked to my right and noticed a flaming arrow.

Well, shit. Then another arrow appeared, and SHOT ME IN THE CHEST. I automatically went to brush it off me, again, laughing, because this was fun as hell and i got shot with a fake flaming arrow on top of the Wall. After that, the screen went white and it was over.

Here’s a quick video of Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) freaking out. Super adorable.

I hope the Rift is successful, because it will no doubt change the way we experience gaming. Integrating it into TV shows is just a small first step to taking VR to an amazing level, and I’m really stoked to see where it goes.

Here’s to awaiting next year’s Exhibition!

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