
Mudbloods Review: Quidditch, it’s real!

This Thanksgiving was probably my best one yet. Sure, I had turkey and then more turkey but most importantly I got to see a documentary called Mudbloods. “What is Mudbloods,” you ask? Only the greatest documentary about quidditch ever. (Okay, maybe the only documentary about quidditch ever, but still.) “What is quidditch,” you ask?

mudbloods harry potter

Really? What is this, amateur hour?

Quidditch is a sport played by wizards in the Harry Potter universe. We’re introduced to it in The Philosopher’s Stone when it is discovered the Harry is a natural Seeker. (Aw, memories, guys.) It’s an incredibly competitive and popular game not just at Hogwarts but throughout the wizard community, as we see during the Quidditch World Cup in The Goblet of Fire. Basically, it’s awesome. Here, I’ll let Oliver Wood fill you in on the rules:

Simple, right? Except in real-life quidditch (or “Muggle Quidditch”), the Quaffles are volleyballs, the Bludgers are dodgeballs, and the Golden Snitch is a dude/dudette with a tennis ball in a sock stuck in the back of their pants. And everyone runs around the field with a broom between their legs. Yup. Seriously.

mudbloods harry potter

You’re all, “And people really play this sport?”

Heck yeah, people play quidditch! It’s actually one of the fastest growing collegiate sports and has been gaining popularity at an alarming rate since its birth in 2005. There’s even an International Quidditch Association. (Damn, bet you’re feeling mighty foolish now, huh.)

Mudbloods follows once such collegiate team, the UCLA Bruins (they’re BRUIN up some Felix Felicis, yesssssssssssss), and their quest to attend the 5th Quidditch World Cup in New York City. The documentary is rounded out with time spent on the Harry Potter universe with Katie Aiani, the #1 Harry Potter Fan (her wand collection is to die for, real talk) and the growing popularity of quidditch with Alex Benepe, the Commissioner of the IQA and owner of the greatest walking cane I’ve ever laid eyes on.

You can’t help but fall in love with the UCLA team as they fight, play, and fundraise their way to the World Cup. This would be their first year attending and their dream is to face off against the championship team from Middleberry. They’re endearing and passionate and just want to show the world what they love to do. So what if that happens to involve running around a field with a broom between their legs. Judgement runs rampant because of this (for obvious reasons) but I’m sure that when basketball was invented, everybody was all, “You want us to throw a ball into a basket with no bottom?” (Cue that Canadian Heritage Minute!)

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Some people just don’t understand.

As you can tell from the trailer, quidditch is a full contact sport. (Like, ouch.) It’s more or less a cross between dodgeball and rugby except all catching and throwing has to be one handed (brooms, remember) making all players TOTAL EFFING BAD ASSES! This sport is not for the faint of heart and goes well beyond some sort of nerdy thing that Harry Potter fans are doing to pass the time. And that’s the most interesting and inspiring thing about Mudbloods. Even if you don’t like Harry Potter, the passion and sportsmanship displayed by these quidditch teams is inspiring and infectious. And if you aren’t cheering like a madman at the end of the documentary, you are probably dead inside.

mudbloods harry potter


Mudbloods is a documentary for lovers of: sports, Harry Potter, quidditch, following your dreams, doing your best, being a bad ass, and just having fun and not giving a flying F what other people think about you. I loved getting to know the UCLA team members (can I be their real life friends, plz?!). The interviews were candid and interesting, the pacing and storytelling perfect, and I have to say the editing was spot on. It’s not easy editing a sports documentary and this one kept me at the edge of my seat during all of the matches. It’s not the most artistic looking documentary, but who cares. Quidditch! Also, I kind of feel inspired to get out there and join a quidditch team.

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Did somebody say Quidditch?!

Mudbloods is only playing in select cities currently but never fear, quidditch fans, it will be available on iTunes on October 14th!! You can also pre-order special editions on the official Mudbloods website. Pour yourself a Butterbeer and rejoice!

If you’re interested in learning more about quidditch, grab a broom and check out the following:

Quidditch Canada

US Quidditch

International Quidditch Association

Official Mudblood Movie Twitter

UCLA’s Twitter & Facebook Page

I leave you now with a super rad video of Team Canada from the 2014 Global Games. WOO!


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Bludger and Beater Action
Snitch Chasing
Quaffle Throwing
Heart Pounding Matches
Rousing Speeches
Final Thoughts

Doesn't matter if you're a Harry Potter fan or not (but, really, you should be), Mudbloods is a fun and interesting documentary of the exciting world of real-life Quidditch and a team that dreamed of making it to the World Cup. *Cue inspirational music*

Overall Score 5

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