
On the Rack: 100th Anniversary Special Avengers

This week Marvel released the second last of their special anniversary issues with Marvel 100th Anniversary Special Avengers. Written and illustrated by James Stokoe, this issue feels very different from the previous three. It has a wicked sense of humor and predicts a very different Avengers team from what we are used to seeing that includes Rogue, Beta Ray Bill and a 17-time reincarnated Doctor Strange, of course Captain America is kicking around as well.

avengers  100 cover

The plot sees the Avengers regrouping just after they successfully expel a Badoon invasion of Earth with the help of Dr Franklin Richards, Herald of Galactus. They are headed back to their base, Stark Tower in Malaysia when they come under a surprising attack. The fun of this issue is in the details; little things like the message on the back of Rogue’s jacket, and past plot points being revealed through dialogue. There is also an appearance by Tony Stark, as a segmented brain stuck in the tower and lamenting his inability to drink. Stokoe’s sense of humor permeates everything from the story set-up to the art and there is even a small “In Memorium “ of himself as he predicts his own demise and the Marvel’s need to rely on their “Brain Algorithm” to complete the issue.

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While this issue is a departure from any of Marvel’s recent publications, it was enjoyable to read. It felt less about paying tribute to the Avengers and more focused on having fun with the idea of the Avengers. Stokoe strikes a good balance between action and humor to create a quirky and nuanced story. There is one more special planned and next week’s Guardians of the Galaxy will wrap up this group of specials. So far they have all respected the past of Marvel’s iconic characters, while taking a tongue in cheek look at the future, and I have no doubt that the last issue will fall right into line. Look for Marvel 100th Anniversary Special Guardians of the Galaxy on the rack on July 30.

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