
Winona Ryder Just Confirmed Beetlejuice 2 is Happening.

Beetlejuice 2 is now officially a thing.

It’s show time. 

beetlejuice 2

There’s been a lot of speculation regarding the sequel to (the totally best movie ever) Beetlejuice lately. Lots of he said/she said, nothing really set in stone. Just that yes, Beetlejuice 2 is in discussion, Tim Burton is once again at the helm (phew) and Michael Keaton will be returning to play the title role (SUPER PHEW).

Until now.

Winona Ryder confirmed our hearts’ desires recently to Seth Meyers recently, both to Beetlejuice 2 being a 100% absolute go, and that she will, in fact, return to her role as everyone’s favourite goth girl, Lydia Deetz.

Check out the video and get stoked.

How the questions left on everyone’s mind…is this going to be good?

Is Johnny Depp going to be in it?

Is this going to destroy everything we love about the Ghost with The Most, or rekindle our childhood love for all things Neitherworld?


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