Speak Klingon Geek Love

Klingon for Beginners

Finally, video lessons on Klingon! C’mon, don’t tell me you’ve never turned to your friend on the bus and said “Imagine if we started talking in Klingon right now? That would be so cool” which really translates to “Imagine if we never get laid, ever?”

Well kids, now you can live out your celibate dreams and learn Klingon from the good folks at Star Trek: Infinite Space. What is this Infinite Space you ask? It’s a free browser-based game set in the era of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

DS9? Pffft, I’d rather learn FerenGAY! ha! I’m so clever. Lesson after the jump.

Check out more Klingon language lessons at Lieven’s site: http://www.qephom.de/e/index.html

Source: io9 via YouTube

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