
Bob’s Burgers Did a Perfect Parody of Game of Thrones

During the latest episode of Fox’s Bob’s Burgers, the gang took us to a trip to King’s Landing in the most glorious parody ever.


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In “The Gayles Tales”, the Belcher kids (Tina, Gene and Louise) try to avoid being grounded by competing for a chance to accompany their Aunt Gayle to “Yarnival”, which is basically a Cirque du Soleil but with cats. To win, the kids have to write short stories starring their Aunt and her crush, Scott Bakula (who also makes a voice cameo in the episode).

Leave it to the tiny troublemaker Louise, to take Gayle and the audience to King’s Landing in a cat-themed Game of Thrones tale. In “Gayle of Thrones”, Louise sets her aunt up as Queen Gayle of Casteros. With her catdragons by her side, Queen Gayle rules the nine cat life kingdoms until Gene, the warlock from the House of Unfarting, comes to usurp her.

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Source: Tumblr

This episode has everything you love from the Game of Thrones series: Teddy as a White Walker, Mort as the Mortan and Linda and Bob as Lindaria and Bobdor, respectively.

 What do you guys think of Bob’s Burgers‘ Game of Thrones parody?
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