
Gallery: Marvel Cosplay Variants

Marvel’s new cosplay variant covers are a huge nod of support to cosplayers everywhere. Cosplay is undisputedly a huge part of the fan community, geeks of every kind love to represent their favorite characters and often do so with unbelievable craftsmanship and accuracy. But the creators of these characters don’t really participate in our love of costume. Sure they’ll snap a picture with you at a con, or judge a masquerade, but beyond that they do not really contribute to geekdom’s favorite hobby, until now. Marvel has announced and revealed a series of variant covers featuring cosplayers dressed as well-loved Marvel heroes. The 20 covers will be available as of October when Marvel launches its new “All-New, All-Different” brand post this summer’s massive lore-changing Secret Wars event. The covers are, in my opinion, a fantastic homage to both the commitment of these cosplayers to their craft as well as to 20 of Marvel’s best known characters. Geekpr0n recently reported on Marvel’s plans to release a series of hip-hop inspired variants that will also launch in October making it a busy month for cover collectors and Marvel fans as the publisher works overtime to promote its new series of comics. Check out the complete collection of cosplay variants in the gallery below and let us know which one is your favorite in the comments:

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