Geek Art

Featured Fashion/Artist: Playdead Cult

We’re happy to announce that our favorite fashion designers, Playdead Cult, have designed a limited edition run of GEEKPR0N shirts that we will be giving away at our launch party!

Their motto being “For the Black Collar Worker,” Playdead Cult is for those who don’t want to blend in with the masses; people who want to make a statement with what they are wearing and how they live their lives.

Make sure to check out their Facebook page for more galleries and to order from them.

Here’s a mini gallery of some of the art and clothes.

Founded in 1999 with nothing but imagination and a wobbly screen printing press, Playdead has grown from a rented room inside a welding shop to a Warhol-like factory dubbed “The Playdead Mansion.” It began as a small line of T-shirts adorned with the artwork spawned from the ADD ridden brain of co-founder Stu Dead. He and his partner-in-crime, Bean, began selling their creations at friends local gigs. They went on to vending the line at festivals and tours such as the Toronto Clothing Show, Van’s Warped Tour, Edgefest, and Ozzfest before opening their first retail outlet in 2003. The current headquarters is located in Toronto’s Parkdale where the small family-like team at Playdead Cult live every day as an expression of art, taking pride in creating each piece by hand.

Playdead Cult has grown to become not just a clothing brand but an ever-evolving creative movement. Bringing together clothing, visual art, music, dance, and film and always delving into further media. They delight in hosting events that meld these artistic elements together in a light-hearted way and always with a sense of humor. From putting on their annual super-gory haunted attraction Nightmare on Queen Street at The Playdead Mansion to presenting collections at Toronto Fashion Week that according to ElleCanada online “put the show back in fashion show!” they have become recognized for their ability to entertain and bring together all kinds of people from different walks of life to share in this movement, to create, to contribute or just enjoy.

You don’t have to be brainwashed to join this cult.

Source: Playdead Cult

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1 Comment on Featured Fashion/Artist: Playdead Cult

  1. Natika

    I love Playdead Cult! When I moved to Japan, even though I could only bring very little stuff and I needed work clothes mainly, I still made sure to include three items from them!

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