
Michael Fassbender is Callum Lynch in Assassin’s Creed Movie

In an exclusive Yahoo reveal, early details of the upcoming Assassin’s Creed movie have surfaced, which include a full costume photo of Fassbender’s character as well as a brief plot summary for the late 2016 film.

Depending on one’s level of faith in the film, fans of the video game franchise were either excited or deflated by previous rumours that the movie’s plot would be a retelling of the 2007 game’s Desmond Miles / Altair story. Yahoo’s Maria Doty has confirmed that the movie will instead follow an entirely new character and plot unrelated to any of the games’ story lines, though allegedly set in the same universe.

Fassbender’s new character is named Callum Lynch, a modern day descendant of a 15th century Spanish assassin known as Aguilar. Relying on a string of genetic memories, Lynch is able to see and learn through the life experiences of Aguilar, acquiring and applying the skills of his ancestor to take on series baddies the Templars in the modern day.


We can’t wait to see the cosplay versions of this outfit pop up at cons!

Fans of the video game series might recognize the new assassin’s outfit as one that fuses the simplicity of Altair’s robes from the first Assassin’s game with the colour scheme and dual hidden blades – a staple of the franchise – of Ezio’s costume in Assassin’s Creed: Revelations.

Given the antiquated look of the assassin garbs in this picture, we have to assume that Fassbender plays both Callum and Aguilar in a similar way that the first couple AC games would use the same character model for Desmond and his ancient counterparts, distinguishing them only through different facial hair and costumes.

In the past, films inspired by or adapted from video games haven’t always resonated well with audiences or critics. Video game movies like the Tomb Raider and Resident Evil films performed well at the box office but were near universally panned by critics. The latest in the trend of underwhelming game movies came from Adam Sandler’s Pixels, a box office flop that we often try to forget was shot in our beloved home of Toronto, Canada. Hopefully the Ubisoft franchise can break the curse of lackluster game movies once and for all.

Assassin’s Creed stars Michael Fassbender along with Marion Cotillard and Michael Kenneth Williams, and is set to open December 21st, 2016.


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