What We Want From The ReBoot Reboot

It’s been 14 years since ReBoot went off the air, and in that time fans have had an insatiable thirst for more alphanumeric adventures in Mainframe. Those awesome pins of Bob’s famous Guardian symbol and fan fiction mini comics are all fine and well to hold us over, but fans won’t be truly satisfied until the show returns (and addresses that brutal cliffhanger). With this past summer finally delivering some news about the ReBoot reboot, we at GEEKPR0N decided it was time to lay out what we want to see in ReBoot: The Guardian Code.


Can you spot Megabyte in the Guardian’s helmet?

1) Wow us again with the show’s visuals.

Although the original show looks a bit dated by today’s animation standards, it’s important to recognize ReBoot was the first half-hour computer animated TV series of all time. There was nothing else like it during its debut; it even beat out Toy Story by a whole year! And while we can’t ask the folks working on the show to reinvent the wheel a second time, we expect nothing but the best from the animation department.

Thankfully, Rainmaker Entertainment has released one gorgeous promotional image for the show so far. Here’s hoping the image above is what the show will actually look like from episode to episode and isn’t just an illustrious piece of concept art.


The boys are back in town.

2) We’re more tech-savvy now than we were in the ’90s. Make use of that with more geeky plot points.

We’ve gotten a lot closer to our electronics since our last visit to Mainframe. Having computer puns for character names like Dot Matrix and Megabyte was great, but give us geeks more to chew on this time around: tackle subjects like Mainframe being affected by corrupted data, Guardians having to fend off invading hackers, something something cloud storage – Viruses aren’t the only threat these days!

While we’re on the subject, it might even be better if The Guardian Code isn’t set within the user’s PC again, but instead inside their cell phone or tablet. Heck, you could even set Mainframe within a gaming console; today’s video game platforms are far more sophisticated than any personal computer from the ’90s ever was!

Of course, none of this is to say we can’t still have characters named after computer lingo – how menacing does Terabyte sound??


3) Poke fun at all our latest gaming trends.

With games being the central source of conflict for its first couple seasons, the original series spent a lot of time tipping its hat to pop culture hits of the time like Mortal Kombat, Power Rangers, Dragon Ball Z and Pokémon. Video games are far more cinematic today, and thus ripe for visual parody, should the new ReBoot follow the gaming route.

Knock us gamers down a peg by poking fun at some of our darlings like Assassin’s Creed, Call of Duty, and League of Legends, and point out some of the less beloved elements of modern gaming like DLC and freemium mobile games…you can even joke about our shortened attention spans, we won’t be offended.

(Bob: I think the User’s really bested us this time, guys! Or…wait. They just gave up! Mainframe is safe, we did it!) 

Never Forget…

4) For Heaven’s sake, don’t ditch that opening monologue.

“I come from the net. Through systems, peoples and cities to this place: Mainframe. My format: Guardian, to mend and defend. To defend my new found friends, their hopes and dreams. To defend them from their enemies. They say the user lives outside the net, and inputs games for pleasure. No one knows for sure, but I intend to find out. [pause] Reboot!”

It’s an opening we’ve been reciting since the show first aired, and we’re praying it returns. Rainmaker Entertainment has stated that ReBoot: The Guardian Code will star four new humans in a mix of live action and computer animation, so perhaps these new teen Guardians can recite a variation of Bob’s original oaths. I totally respect the show creators’ decision to bring back Bob and the others only in supporting roles this time, but I’ll be damned if I go an entire 26 episodes without anyone saying that they “intend to find out,” while I wildly pound my chest and scream into my TV, “Reboot!”

ReboottitlecardIs there anything else you want out of  ReBoot: The Guardian Code? Let us know which buttons they need to press by commenting below or tweeting at us @GEEKPR0NdotCOM .  


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