Geek Love

Fucking James Franco.

Kickstarter has helped a multitude of creative endeavours get off the ground. It’s a really great site. Especially when you want to fund the production of a book containing nothing but “erotic” fanfiction about James Franco.

No, I’m not kidding.

Portland, Oregon-based Social Malpractice Publishing and Container Corps Art Press team up to bring you a publication that the world desperately needs.FUCKING JAMES FRANCO is a collection of erotic fiction that describes hypothetical sexual encounters with the greatest American actor, writer, and visual artist of all time.

In order to make these books as beautiful as they can be, we’re reaching out to the creative community to try to raise funding. All funds collected will go directly towards the printing and perfect binding of a first edition of the books. The group of contributors features visual artists, writers, musicians, and more – all exploring their most explicit sexual fantasies with Mr. Franco. You know who’s going to fucking love this book?  FUCKING JAMES FRANCO.

These guys are my heroes or something.

The project has surpassed it’s $2000 funding goal and will  being production this coming Sunday.

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