
Check out this retro cosplay from 1980 Westercon!

Thanks to social media, things have been a lot easier for everyone.


No need to fear, Squidwards of the world.

One thing that it makes easy is cosplay. Because of social media, we’re able to show our family and friends and fellow nerds our progress with our work and even getting help from fellow cosplayers. But remember when people actually had to use magazines from the library or even, dare I say it, pausing their VHS tapes?

Cosplay and nerd/geek culture has become more accepted and mainstream now, which gives us a lot of characters to choose from.

Let’s take a trip back to 1980s Los Angeles, at the Hyatt International Hotel, where Westercon was happening. Thanks to Dik Daniels, we’ve got some wicked retro cosplay looks from 32 years ago. Some of the cosplay we can easily recognize (there’s plenty of Star Wars ones) and others, the fans had created themselves. You may laugh (and cringe) at the work that these guys and gals have done but imagine 20 years from now, the cosplayers of the future will definitely be doing the same.

Check out some of cosplay below:


Thanks to The Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society for taking us back! See more pictures of the con here (x).

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