
ConBravo! 2015

So I’ll admit, this is the first time I’ve attended ConBravo in Hamilton. I wasn’t sure what to expect as it didn’t seem to follow the usual pattern for cons. In the weeks up to the con, instead of waiting to see posts about what crazy famous celebrity they’d be able to get for the weekend, these guys would post about parties and gaming events and costume building all geared to YOU the fan to enjoy! How great is this? Don’t get me wrong, they still had guests. But the type of guests were more indie game developers, skilled costumers and video producers. You know, the ones that actually make the awesome things we enjoy so much!! And why shouldn’t we celebrate these people? AMIRIGHT?

Once I arrived and got greeted by some of the best con staff I’ve ever encountered (thanks again, Scott. You were incredibly helpful) I took a wander around to see what kind of trouble I could get myself into. The marketplace was a great place to roam and get yourself some cool swag as well as check out everyone’s cosplay. There were 3 floors of rooms focusing specifically on Gaming, Cosplay Photography and an arena where you could have a Nerf-gun war or play Archery tag with Archery District! That’s not even everything, and I never even got to the panels and workshops. Seriously, if you want a con that is FOR the fans, this is it!!

2015-07-25 14.52.10

THEN… (I know! There’s more! Crazy right?!) when the sun goes down these guys had a jam packed concert of geeky awesomeness to keep you going into the wee hours of the morning!! Bands like Villainest and one of my favs, TupperWare Remix Party as well as a plethora of DJ’s and comedy troupes to make sure you don’t get bored.

If you are old like me though, you may have passed out from all the daily events long before the sun went down. So it was a pleasure to see The Koopa Troop band had set up during the day and were playing as people came in the door.

The Koopa Troop

ConBravo was a lot of fun, I’d certainly check it out again. But I think next time I’ll be sure to bring some more casual cosplays to wear so I can participate fully in all the fun stuff they had to offer!

Check out the shots below from ConBravo 2015. Part of the photography contributed by Greg at Very Frank Pictures.

The next ConBravo is July 29-31, 2016

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