



Hi! Since this is my first post for GEEKPR0N I want to take a moment to introduce myself. Weird last name cause I’m from South Africa (yup, it’s pronounced “Ace”). Have a complete Captain America run from his Silver Age return in 1964, accomplished by working at my LCS for 5 years (which also explains my bank account). In ’97 was shouting at my metal head friends to shut up so I could watch Joss Whedon’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer premiere. There was a lot of mocking. Wait though…. who just wrote and directed The Avengers’ billion-dollar success…? Yeah, I like being right.

Which is why this first post is a rejoicing of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: WillowWonderland. Tying into Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Nine and Angel & Faith, this story stands alone just as easily.

<SPOILER: If you haven’t read Buffy tVS Season 8 (and really, what have you been doing if you haven’t already watched the original series) you shouldn’t read any further.>

After Buffy “destroyed” magic at the end of Buffy S8, Willow (and all other magic-based/skilled/realmed beings) has been feeling the loss of her gifts and powers. Willow, though, just isn’t the type of witchy-lady to just accept this, and she embarks on a magic-restoring quest.

Wanna know why you should be spending your hard earned $$$ on this seemingly genre-super-specific GN? Just like its fiery Sunnydale-alum protagonist, Willow Vol. 1: Wonderland (yeah….that’s how you’ll find it on Amazon, Indigo, and everywhere else but the book’s publisher. *le sigh*) puts the awesome-whammy on all those “Big Two” series. Need proof? Sure:


5. Stunning & Vibrant pages!

Michelle Madsen’s colours bring the pages to life with a warm glow that seemingly ensouls the character there. Having worked on the “ongoing” Buffy the Vampire Slayer comic book series for over 50 issues, she KNOWS these characters, and this is hands down my favourite depiction of the wonderful Willow Rosenberg. Ms. Madsen’s credits also include work on Star Wars, Agents of Atlas (little-known, great read), Dollhouse: Epitaphs, and Serenity: Better Days. Seems Joss might like her work…

4. Epic epicness!

Tons of great references to other journeys and quests, from Alice in Wonderland to Jungian “shadow aspect” psychology, give the story a classic feel while getting a little cheeky with stories we’ve known for years. Plus, the Odyssey Lotus-eaters moment is a coven of super-sexy witches. Bet Xander is sorry he missed out on this mission now!

3. Healthy & positive sexuality!

Buffy “the show” was always in the vanguard of positive gender identity and sexuality issues, and the comic books haven’t shied away from discussing these topics. Willow’s lesbian orientation dovetails nicely with the “Wiccan Witch Coven of the Traveling Pants” arc, but even better is how both are revealed to be “false” harbours if Willow is to complete her quest. It’s not that she is abandoning her identity, but rather saying to us “be who you want, because no one part of yourself defines all of who you are.”

2. Fantastic creators!



A Joss Whedon production never lacks for talented creators, and writers Christos Gage and Jeff Parker deliver a kick-ass story. They not only imbue Willow with that awkward-adorable voice that Alyson Hannigan brought to the character, but really give depth and fun to the post-Season 8 Willow who is a wiser, more experienced individual. These aren’t stories of a character battling the same rogues’ gallery every month—they mark an important change and development both for Willow, and the entire Buffy ’verse.  Good enough for you?

1. Confident, empowered Willow is no one’s sidekick!

By the sixth season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer it certainly seemed like Willow far outstripped the other characters in terms of raw bad-ass power, but since the show wasn’t called “Willow the Kick-Ass Witch” (FYI: I would so watch that) she wasn’t standing in the spotlight, taking charge. In this 5-issue limited series, she is the heroine every Buffy fan knew she could be. Facing off against your magical inner-shadow and then “magically binding with the universe” is a great way to super-charge the psyche!

So there you go, five super reasons to give Buffy the Vampire Slayer: WillowWonderland a try! Did I miss one though? If so, please share with us what else makes this graphic novel so shiny for you. Cheers!

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