
The Nerds Podcast: Luke Cage & Doctor Strange

The Nerds come together to talk Marvel once more.  We use some of our time magic to rewind and talk about Luke Cage, then we jump back to the present to talk about Doctor Strange.  However, there is no spoiler protection.

There is something special happening on Netflix.  Marvel has found the golden touch for the super hero genre.  Luke Cage is a series that isn’t just for binging; it’s for consumption.  It forces the audience to take in everything it is doing visually, vocally, and historically.  You need to do your homework if you want to absorb all Luke Cage has to offer you.  It is worth picking up the books, it is worth listening to the music, and it is worth learning the history of Harlem.  As we talk about a future Defender, let’s jump into someone who gathered the Defenders together, Doctor Strange.

Dormammu, we’ve come to…get lost in your opponents greatness.  Benedict Cumberbatch becomes our Sorcerer Supreme in the newest Marvel title, Doctor Strange.  We’re sent on a Steve Ditko psychedelic trip through the multiverse.  The mystic arts get introduced into the MCU, and they knock it out of the park.  We go over the links it has to the rest of the MCU, and our favourite fan theories about what could happen in future films, like Thor: Ragnarok.  The future of the MCU looks more and more like we’ll have a Civil War type of cross over in almost every film.

We talked about the Luke Cage Syllabus, here is a list of great reading courtesy of:  Black Nerd Problems.

  • Acres of Skin: Human Experiments at Holmesburg Prison by Allen M. Hornblum.
  • Cutting Along the Color Line: Black Barbers and Barber Shops in America by Quincy T. Mills.
  • Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop by Jeff Chang
  • Free Stylin’: How Hip Hop Changed the Fashion Industry by Elena Romero
  • Fist Stick Knife Gun: A Personal History of Violence by Geoffrey Canada
  • Where’s Waldo? by Martin Handford
  • Playing the Numbers: Gambling in Harlem between the Wars by Shane White
  • Negroes and The Gun: The Black Tradition of Arms by Nicholas Johnson

We have a lot of reading to do.

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