
Artist Creates Monster Universe with Post it Notes

I’m always searching around the internet, looking to find some cool and unusual stuff to report and it seems today I hit the monster jackpot. Artist Don Kenn has created his own world of monsters and ghouls, using only post it notes. Yes, that’s right. Post it notes.


By day, this Danish born artist writes and directs television shows for children and when he’s not doing that, he’s taking care of his twins. But, when Don gets some alone time, WATCH OUT! He will unleash some of the creepiest, scariest and different illustrations to ever ink onto a post it. Using his trusty ball point pen, these precision drawings are incredibly detailed, and transport the viewer to an alternative universe of Don’s design.


In addition to the drawing themselves, I thought this was interesting because of his chosen canvas with post it notes. It’s odd as well as original, and makes this an extremely unique project.



The illustrations look as though they are right out of a demented children’s book and the closer you look, the creepier they are.


If you look close, you can see the underlying political value of the pictures as well. Not all, but some I believe have some sort of a commentary on society. Some are just fun.


Some also depict literary classics such as the picture above with “Little Red Riding Hood”.



All in all, you have to give it up for the artist known as Don Kenn. The guy has come up with some pretty original and creepy stuff and he used trusty post it notes and a ball point pen to do it. There are literally hundreds of these pictures, so the fun is endless. You can check out Don’s archive at , if you’re on facebook give him a like at and on twitter follow him @DonKennMonsters 🙂




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