Geek Art

Planet of the Apes Cheatsheet

This cheatsheet couldn’t come at a better time. Why? Mostly because last night GEEKPR0N’s designer and I were talking about the differences between the POTA originals and remakes and how they relate to the other movies in the series.

I had actually forgotten that the Mark Wahlberg version took a lot of liberties with the story which is why I was so confused by the origin story in Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

Well voila, here’s the cheatsheet to shut me up. Enjoy and remember the lessons learned here folks. Monkeys = Apocalypse. Fuck zombies and robots. The monkeys will kill us all.

planet of the apes cheatsheet

Obviously I have to dedicate this post to Scooter who I swear will be fapping to the famous kiss image.

Source: GeekTyrant

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