Geek Love

Geeky Valentine’s Day Date Ideas!

Coming up short for Valentine’s Day date ideas that you and your fellow geek will both enjoy? Sure, you can do the standard dinner and a movie but what fun is that? Check out these date ideas courtesy of us at GEEKPR0N!

Set up a nice picnic and go stargazing


While this may probably only apply for places where the weather is appropriate, this can apply to any time of the year for you and your love.

Stay in, cook dinner and watch Netflix


Who made it a rule that you had to go out for Valentine’s Day anyway? If you and your partner are more than fine staying home and cooking up a nice dinner, then go for it! If you want to steer clear of any romantic comedies or dramas, Netflix has a great selection of horror movies that you and you partner will enjoy.

Go old school!


If you and your date are competitive than head over to your local arcade. Playdium in Mississauga is a great place to bring your date. You can even set a wager like loser pays for dinner that night.

Head over to Nerdy Day Trips for some cool ideas

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Nerdy Day Trips is an amazing interactive site that finds fun geeky stuff around your area. If you can’t find the one you’re looking for, the site lets you add it on for future nerd explorers like you!

Head to a convention!


Look ahead of time if there are any conventions in your area and visit them with your partner. Bonus points if you guys cosplay together!

Round up some friends and play board games!


While Valentine’s Day focuses on couples, that really doesn’t mean you can’t bring friends with you as a big giant date night. Snakes & Lattes or Snakes & Lagers have a huge collection of card and board games which is sure to keep everyone entertained!

Do you have some geeky date ideas you want to share with us? Let us know!

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