
WOW vs SWTOR. Spoiler alert, WOW is losing.

Oh how the mighty have fallen. The sweetest part? They kinda did it to themselves. When given the choice what would you rather pay for?  Force chokes and lightsabers or Kung Fu Panda?

Blizzard has become all too comfortable sitting atop their island-o-cash making Chuck Norris dance like a bitch. Now, with their latest expansion announcement it has become very clear that they’ve adopted a “because we can” attitude. It’s this kind of arrogance that has many people, including myself, patiently waiting for someone to come along and hand World of Warcraft its ass.

The galaxy has heard our plea. 

Unfortunately, the answer comes from the King of Kings when it comes to murdering your own franchise, Mr. George Lucas. Hopefully he doesn’t ruin this too.

Blizzard has reported a “dip” in subscriptions since the release of Star Wars the Old Republic and their numbers continue to plummet. Since boasting 12 million paying players in 2010, WOW has suffered a loss of almost 2 million subscribers since the release of their last major expansion, Cataclysm. SWTOR gained one million subscribers in its first two weeks.

Even if WOW went free-to-play, as it should with its geriatric graphics, Blizzard is far from in trouble. StarCraft and Diablo continue to bring in the doubloons and Blizzard continues to slap WOW players in the face by releasing useless, lazy, and uninspired content like Mists of Pandaria. It’s real. I checked.

What do you think? Is the addiction fueled reign of World of Warcraft over?


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27 Comments on WOW vs SWTOR. Spoiler alert, WOW is losing.

  1. WoW has been dead for a long time, I know as I have played it for a long time. =P
    SWTOR is a great game with alot of space for content but that content needs to come out at a more speedy pace. My friends and I, cleared all current content within the first 5 weeks of the games release. Although it is a beautifully laid out game with enriching stories that make you feel like you are in a movie 150% better than any of the SW prequels (not like that is a feat).

  2. Eric

    They’re both great games.

    And I really hate how everyone keeps going “Hur dur its kung fu panda” Look your shit up, Pandarens have been around ever since Warcraft 3, They have the THE MOST requested race from players, they were supposed to be the new Alliance race in Burning Crusade (instead of Draenei), and Monks have also been the most requested class.

    Yes, Pandaren were once used in an April fools joke. That doesn’t mean it can’t become something real.

    Kung Fu Panda came around LONG after the Pandaren, And come on, there are WAY more ridiculous races in WoW that no ones bitched about, why all of sudden now with Pandas?

    On top of all that, following the recent Press Release, Blizzard seems to really have figured out what they’re doing now. They’re adding a HUGE amount of stuff to do at end game, and while yes, some of it is odd, like Pet Battles, All of the changes they’re introducing actually look really good.

    Don’t get me wrong though, SWTOR is good too, I just see no reason Why there can’t be 2 good MMOs.

  3. Talnoy

    Swtor is just WoW in space. Sure it’s shiny and looks nice but it really isn’t all that different once the shine wears off.

  4. Nero29

    While SWTOR is a solid game by many accounts I see a huge trend in returning player base to WoW once they spend some time at 50. Announcing SWTOR as a WoW killer is off based and premature. I fail to see how Mists of Pandaria is Blizzard being arrogant when they have always catered to community requests. This post is not journalism, simply a completely biased, unsubstatiated personal opinion.

  5. Kathas

    Been playing World of Lolcraft since it’s closed beta to Cataclysm -mid expansion- and been playing SW:TOR since beta,’till a month ago aproximately…and honestly,SW:TOR got nothing to offer us over WOW -talking about game content,not creepy graphics-.World of Warcraft became crap and SW:TOR’s high end content is so easymode.

    Game industry is fucked,face it.

  6. SwitchBoard

    Nothing about the whole “ever since swtor has come out we’ve lost subscribers” Sure, WoW lost a lot of subscribers since Cataclysm, but it wasn’t swtor’s doing. Honestly Cataclysm has been a GREAT expansion. I’m very excited for MoP. I played swtor beta and was definitely impressed, I just haven’t played it since launch and all my friends stopped playing after hitting level 50. It just got boring. WoW is still definitely over top of swtor.

  7. Mrjack

    Can’t this label as kung-fu Panda. KNOW YOUR FACTS while this Beer panda Chen Stoutmaster was mention waaaay before the movie came out like quite a few years in a quest in the old barrens Since  2006 . Kung Fu Panda 2008! 

    Sometimes Wonder if they did not get the idea from Wow to make Kungfu panda never know!!! 🙂 (I can say crap too)

  8. jadeskies

    J3SS, your wow inspired hater-aid makes you incapable of an objective viewpoint. I’d argue against your misplaced logic but I doubt anything I said would change your mindset. Try for a little less hater-aid and a little more meaningful content in your articles in the future. Unless of course you intended to insult an expansion you haven’t even played yet, if you were really aiming for wrathful ignorance then your article is meaningfull and detailed.

  9. Bryan

    I think J3SS isn’t pretending to be unbiased here, guys. This is clearly an opinion piece, like every other blog entry on GP. It’s her view point of the game, much like any game or movie critic would give their personal opinion in a review.

    If she compares something to Kung Fu panda, it doesn’t matter which came first, the movie or the Pandarens. It’s still comparable. 

    Main point is, don’t get twisted up about personal bias used in a blog.  
    These posts should inspire discussion and bring out all of our 2 cents on a topic.
    Not just be another blog that simply notifies us about the latest and greatest with no personality.

    There’s enough of that out there.

  10. You’re right, I do hate WOW. That’s not a secret. This also isn’t a news source. This site reflects the opinions of the girls who write for it. Each girl has a her own voice and style and if the content offends you, don’t read. 😉 


  11. Sara B

    Well sometimes a news source, however, this is an opinion piece and doesn’t pretend to be anything but.
    All opinions welcome including those of J3SS. No better way to get a conversation going.

  12. I feel that personal tastes have a lot to do with the decision. 

    I am a huge Star Wars nerd, and continued leaving and returning to Star Wars Galaxies like we were in a horrible high school relationship. I’m also not the biggest fan of fantasy, so the draw of wizards and orcs doesn’t appeal to me. 

    The most beautiful aspect about SWTOR, that I truly appreciated, is that I’m not forced into grouping – at least at level 25. I can enjoy the game alongside my friends and other gamers, without having to be a part of some large group in order to feel any fulfillment from the game.

  13. Randall Donadio

    Lol, you obviously have no idea about the industry and it is incredibly obvious you do not know anything that is going on currently.

    MOP triples the content of any ENTIRE game out right now and all press and critics in the beta (people not just reviewers) are saying it is the best expansion Blizzard has launched.. EVER. It is also the best anyone has EVER seen in the entire industry. 

    Want more readers? Stop talking out of your ass about shit you don’t know about. Also, stop screaming WOW is dying. People have been doing it for years. Their sub loss has dropped to 100K around Christmas and the sub base is over double what it was in TBC. This isn’t including what was gained back from the scroll of resurrection. Here.. watch this and fill in 2011 and 2012.. rofl.. tard.

  14. Oh Randall, obviously you’ve never read any of my other articles. And FYI, the report of WOW’s dip in subscriptions came from Blizzard directly, not me. I figured a fan boy such as yourself would have been aware of that.  As I’ve stated before, nobody is forcing you to read G33KPRON. If you don’t like what’s here, go elsewhere. 

  15. Krissy

    Perhaps you should start your own blog to inform the masses as to what is “currently going on in the industry”, although I highly doubt you would have any readers.
    You could call it ‘’

  16. Thealraz_ka

    WoW is dead?  It still has at least 5x as many subscribers as any competitor.

    Going on about “Kung Fu Panda” is idiotic.  Pandaren have been around since 2003 when they were introduced in The Frozen Throne expansion for Warcraft 3.

  17. Ethan W

    The really funny part about htis article now is that SWTOR has crashed and burned. HARD, and MOP looks like an amazing expansion to the best MMO out there. Sucks to suck huh?

  18. Bogie

    It doesn’t matter kung-fu panda was pretty big when MOP came out. Its all people are going to think of when they see it. Lets not forget the dumb pokemon battle system they added. Ill take space PVP combat and custom starships any day.

  19. Danny Williams

    Was this article written before or after SWTOR went free-to-play and then blatantly stole Star Conflict and released it as an “expansion”?
    While I’m not really a fan of either MMO, revenue doesn’t lie. WoW is still at the top, and SWTOR is dying fast. And as has been said time and time again, the only thing that’s going to kill WoW is WoW.
    At any rate, this author was completely wrong. Not even housing and flagships will save SWTOR. It’s an awful game for awful players. At least WoW hasn’t laid off 90% of its staff, like SWTOR has.

  20. Before free-to-play. The article is 2 years old now so a lot has changed, such as SWTOR basically flopping. The numbers originally reported in this article were from Blizzard themselves, but again, over 2 years ago.

  21. ZapTheSheep

    Funny. You say flopping. I say still going strong. Lots of revenue to go around and ever improving with more content. Thanks for playing.

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